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Old 05-01-2012, 10:11 AM
x2drich2000 x2drich2000 is offline
(DJ) Rich.ard.s
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 2,208

Let me start off by saying, I want this show to thrive. I really like going to shows, but something has to be done or this show won't survive.

Obviously, as Dan pointed out, the costs to set up at a show go beyond just the table costs. From a dealer's prospective, these costs need to be made up somewhere. Therefore, I think it should be expected that you will pay a bit more at a show then online. At the same time, double or triple the price just seems outrageous

I appreciate that Marco spent $7000+ on advertising for the show. That's quite a bit of money and at least shows some dedication to making the show work. However, it seems to me based on my own observations, and the comments by others, that the advertising was not effective and this was money not well spent. Personally, I know very few people who still get newspapers. Billboards are limited to who is traveling on that particular road. In addition, Billboards do not focus on a specific demographic. Card collecting is a much pretty specific niche of the community. There is by far a much larger population that would be interested in a baby/toddler show. Therefore, the advertising I believe needs to be targeted more to our limited population.

So if you were a show promoter today, what kind of advertising would you do to make a newer show such as Oaks successful?

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