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Old 02-24-2023, 07:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Fballguy View Post
The basic tassel rule 4 > 0 > 2

1960s tassels are more trouble than they're worth. If you have 4 nice ones great. But if even one gets that creased, broken, limp, dangly look it changes the entire aesthetic of the pennant. Then there's the super brittle, egg shell tassels that you could probably disintegrate just by looking at too long.

They make 60s pennants harder to store too because you need larger bins. Pre-60 tassels are soft and durable and can be tucked or bunched. With the 60s, I prefer to iron them flat and then agonize about anything touching them. I just did my annual pennant sort/audit and had one casualty. The horror of picking up a stack of pennants and seeing a chunk of red tassel on the floor left behind.
What you just so eloquently described has taken at least a year off my life. The bins are always about an inch short, to accommodate these breakable tassels. The guy who sold Trench on the cheaper tassels should be inducted into a Collector’s Hall of Shame.

When I was selling on eBay, I sold a 1967 All Star Game pennant for a pretty decent price. But one of those “crispy” tassels broke off in transit. The buyer was pissed and we settled on 60% of the original sales price.

Took a big hit on that one. The tassels might as well have been made from Lays Potato Chips… same durability and texture.
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