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Old 07-20-2022, 01:18 PM
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Ben North
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Originally Posted by BobbyStrawberry View Post
I'm not proposing any bans, and I am an ardent 2A supporter. However, there is a reason guns like the AR-15 are often the weapon of choice for deranged mass murderers: the great damage done to human flesh when hit by a bullet fired from one. Many Americans have no idea the carnage that responders saw in the Uvalde or Sandy Hook classrooms.

To pretend all guns are the same, or to pretend that a frying pan is the same as an AR-15, is tantamount to refusing to have a debate.
They are used because they look scary. They actually use little baby 223 ammo. That is the smallest caliber you can legally shoot a deer with where I live and larger more powerful cartriges are recommended for hunting.
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