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Old 05-27-2022, 11:47 AM
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brianp-beme brianp-beme is offline
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Thanks John. I have mentioned in the past that I have a sneaky suspicion that my interest in this hobby lies in the fact that it allows me to create various lists.

To make it easier for some, here are the 'Special' T205 cards grouped by their EGS value. The ML abbreviation stands for Minor League card, while the SP abbreviation stands for cards considered Short Prints.

Cards with EGS value of 2:

Adkins, Doc ML

Baker, Home Run

Barger, Cy - partial B on cap

Batch, Emil ML

Bender, Chief

Brown, Mordecai

Cady, Hick ML

Chance, Frank

Chase, Hal - only left ear shows

Cicotte, Eddie

Collins, Eddie - mouth closed

Dahlen, Bill SP

Donohue, Jiggs SP

Dunn, Jack ML

Evers, Johnny

Fisher, Ray SP

Frick, James ML

Graham, Peaches - Cubs

Grant, Ed SP

Hanford, Charles ML

Harmon, Robert - only left ear shows

Hoblitzell, Dick - name incorrect/no Cin. After 1908

Hoblitzell, Dick - name correct/no Cin. After 1908

Karger, Ed SP

Kleinow, Red SP

Latham, Arlie - W.A. Latham on back

Lee, Wyatt ML

Leifield, Lefty - A.P. Leifield on front

McAllister, Sport ML

Merritt, George ML

Nee, John ML

Phelan, James ML

Raymond, Bugs SP

Rowan, John SP

Scanlan, Doc SP

Shean, David - Cubs

Suggs, George SP

Sweeney, Jeff SP

Tinker, Joe

Turner, Terry SP

Vaughn, Hippo SP

Wagner, Heinie SP

Wheat, Zack

White, Kirb SP

Wiltse, Hooks - only right ear shows

Cards with EGS value of 3:

Bresnahan, Roger - mouth open

Collins, Eddie - mouth open

Collins, Jimmy ML

Gray, Dolly - stats on back

Wallace, Bobby - no cap/2 lines of 1910 stats

Walsh, Ed SP

Wilhelm, Kaiser - suffe ed in 18th line of bio SP

Cards with EGS value of 4 or higher (ESG value in parenthesis):

Cobb, Ty (12)

Hoblitzell, Dick - no stats on back (15)

Johnson, Walter (5)

Joss, Addie SP (8)

Mathewson, Christy (5)

Mathewson, Christy - Cycle Back, incorrect stats (10)

Moran, Pat - stray line of type (4)

Speaker, Tris (4)

Wallace, Bobby - no cap - 1 line of 1910 stats (4)

Wilhelm, Kaiser - suffered in 18th line of bio (8)

Young, Cy (6)

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