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Old 03-11-2022, 06:27 PM
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Ben North
Join Date: Jun 2013
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Originally Posted by irv View Post
Ben, did you even take 5 minutes to look into/watch/read any of those things I posted or are you so knowledgeable and so cemented in your beliefs, you refuse to?
You're suggesting they are my very own thoughts, my own conspiracy theories like I made them up myself and I'm the only one who believes them.

Use Gooogle, duckduckgo, and read up on it. They are not hidden. Klaus Schwab, the head of WEF, even has his own vids talking openly about the things he wants to do.
Read the comments below the vid. I didn't write them.
Honestly Dale I don't read any links in these beyond silly threads. We including me are just WAY too biased to be taken seriously.

I do enjoy the topics of conspiracy theories, paranormal, psychics, and the like. I find it extremely interesting on why people believe in such things and how long they have had those beliefs.
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