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Old 04-13-2021, 10:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Fballguy View Post
It's not that complicated. It's a decision people should be able to decide on their own. If you're afraid of covid, don't go to a restaurant. But everyone else shouldn't be denied the right because you're afraid.
You're refuting a point I didn't make. I was referring to the effects of COVID, specifically in reference to the - false - statement of a 99.97% survival rate. You're talking about something completely different.

Originally Posted by Fballguy View Post
Not much different than cigarettes, alcohol, guns, motorcycles. People decide how much risk they want to assume. The gov't doesn't make the decision for them.
Government does make the decision. It's illegal to drive after consuming much alcohol. Clothing and helmets are regulated for motorcycles. Cigarettes are restricted from sale based on age and location. Their use is banned in many places. And so on.

So, by it being "not that much different", you're advocating for government intervention. That doesn't jibe with what you said above.

Originally Posted by Fballguy View Post
At this point the cat is out of the bag. Texas and Florida have dispelled just about every liberal myth related to covid. Yet liberal states still choose to fear the boogeyman.
Texas just had a 27% jump in weekly cases.