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Old 01-17-2021, 09:50 PM
ASF123 ASF123 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2020
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Posts: 486

Originally Posted by packs View Post
It's not so much about boomers dying as it is where the taste of collectors is heading. The prior generation had a huge appreciation for certain players and certain sets. You cannot say that those interests will hold when the modern market is evolving so quickly and steers collectors away from those interests.

For example, and as a microcosm of changing hobby appetites, the complete set has taken a back seat to the insert.
This seems plausible to me. I'm 44, and our generation by and large had some connection to the previous one - the bands they listened to, the players they watched, etc. The Beatles and the Stones were still a part of our world, as were Mickey, Willie and Hank.

I don't get that sense from the next generation. It seems like the link to the past has been pretty much severed, and things from before their lifetimes hold very little interest or relevance. Of course this is a huge generalization, but I do think there's something to it. I would imagine the pace of technological change has a lot to do with it.

EDIT: I thought of another example - TV shows. When I was growing up, reruns of shows from the ‘50s and ‘60s were common on networks like Nickelodeon. I don’t think that happens much now, what with the massive amounts of new content available. I know Friends is still popular with young people, but I think that’s the standard nostalgia for things from their childhood, rather than something being relevant that came before their lifetimes.

Last edited by ASF123; 01-17-2021 at 09:58 PM.
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