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Old 02-02-2014, 04:34 PM
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Originally Posted by ctownboy View Post
Living in Central Indiana and having watched Peyton Manning since his rookie year, I say he is a great QB against bad teams and only an average QB against good teams. This is because he is stuck in his routine and doesn't like to deviate.

In the rookie year of one of his receivers (Dallas Clark ?) the receiver made a reception and was about to get tackled. As he was getting tackled, he lateraled the ball to another receiver who ran the ball in for a TD. In the post game interview, the receiver was asked about the play and said he was excited about it BUT was told by Manning that that was never going to happen again. Guess what? There was never a lateral again.

Against bad teams, Manning can do things even when the defense knows what is coming. Against good teams, Manning struggles because THEY KNOW what is coming and can be ready for it.

In the second Super Bowl he played in, the Colts were behind late in the game and Manning had them on the move. However, becaue he stuck to what he usually does, Manning threw and interception and the game was pretty much over with.

After the game, the DB who intercepted the ball was asked about the play and he said that in that area of the field, the defense KNEW what plays Manning like to use and what receivers he liked to target. So for him to get the interception, all he had to do was use the proper technique and to not drop the ball when it came his way.

As far as Seattle and their QB goes, I think Wilson is just a caretaker. Something like Joe Flacco a few years ago. Just hand the ball off to Lynch, make the short, safe throws and rely on the defense to take care of business. If WIlson has to make plays and throw the ball a lot, the Seahawks are in trouble.

As far as "Omaha" goes, I think all it means is the play is set and to hike the ball on the snap count. In previous games, if Manning didn't say "Omaha" then it meant he was still changing things around. However, once he said "Omaha" then the ball was ALWAYS snapped.

As far as THIS game goes, the only prediction I am going to make is that if either QB is behind and has to make a game winning drive then I don't think they do it. Manning because he will stick to his regular routine and the Seattle defense will KNOW what is coming, depending on down and distance and where on the field they are. With Wilson, I think he will get the yips if it comes down to him having to throw the ball and not have Lynch doing the work.


I had to stop reading after you said he's average against good teams. Haha
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