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Old 08-13-2012, 10:09 AM
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Originally Posted by wonkaticket View Post
So I see Ken called daddy this AM huh?

Enough semi nice guy here let’s timeline this one for a second shall we?
  • Goldin crawls out of the wood work to announce that he his starting a business. A business that would like to obtain revenue from members of this forum.
  • Goldin pays for ads so that way he can broadcast to the community, makes sense others pay for that right.
  • Goldin gets his moment of board time and it doesn’t quite go as he would like.
  • Goldin has his past (in video not hearsay) brought up by people like myself and others. The reviews are in and they aren’t all glowing with support for Goldin.
  • Goldin has even more sad stories posted about his past dealings people comment on those Goldin doesn’t like that.
  • Goldin contacts member via PM (me) to tell me that I have the problem at hand not him and am in the dark and would like to personally talk to me. Of course if I don’t want to take time to speak with him continue to be wrong.
  • Goldin cries the blues because I felt the need for the community to be aware of the tactics at play, also for being direct and honest not hiding behind PM’s and he said she said crap.
So there we are….while we are discussing things about the forum we should poll I have a few to recommend.

Is it right for any of us to be PM’ed in the first place by advertisers who get their feelings ruffled? Why is being a part of this community now come with the joy of being contacted by quite honestly con men who bilked folks out of cash? If I wanted to talk to Ken Goldins of the world I would have dialed into Shop at Home and bought those gem mint Tiger Woods cards that Ken was so nice to sell at 2k because next week they are selling the same ones for 5k right?

Let me be clear here…we are not pals. I have no interest in getting to know the “real” Ken. No interest in hearing where “I” went wrong on innocent Ken, and Little to no interest in his business venture. Basically 100% no interest in hearing his spin in private form.

Just because he came here and tossed a few hundred bucks to the mod doesn’t make us PM buddies IMO. How about asking why your members need to be bothered by Goldin’s privately for simply voicing an opinion that Ken Goldin’s of the world disagree with?

If Ken Goldin wants to tell me why I have it wrong and why I should forget 1997 Ken Goldin when it comes to the 2012 Ken Goldin he can do so in the public thread for us all to read. I made my points public he can make his counter points public and leave my PM inbox alone unless I reach out to him just my two cents.

Just like every single other member, you are no different and you are welcome to your opinion. I suggest you learn how to use the ignore feature (though it won't work on me ) ......happy collecting!!
Leon Luckey
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