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Old 03-22-2024, 12:28 PM
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Originally Posted by JustinD View Post
Not sure why it seems that so many people are launching wild speculations, seems like Ohtani is in the crosshairs sometimes around here.

There is nothing at all reported on even a single bet being on a baseball game of any kind, actually each type has already been reported and listed as international soccer, the NBA, the NFL and college football. I think some folks can't place themselves in the same shoes of someone who speaks as much English living in America as I speak of Japanese if I move to Tokyo tomorrow. If I relied 100% on someone else to take care of every day-to-day for me from bills to groceries, they could easily take advantage.

The way of Japanese is not to throw a person under the bus as the shame of the mistake is more than enough punishment. In America, things take a different turn and the transition of this story seems to start Japanese and quickly turn American for the translator.

If anyone thinks they really need to dump their Ohtanis cheap because they got caught up in TMZ, please let me know. He's going nowhere and this issue will probably leave him smelling like a rose to his Japanese fans that think he handled it honorably in decorum.

If I am wrong, I'll take it...but I am certainly not losing sleep.
Well said
If it's not perfectly centered, I probably don't want it.
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