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Old 05-19-2019, 02:56 PM
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Leon Leon is offline
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Interesting comments in this thread.
As far as doing a quick flip of any markup at all is not out of line. We aren't going to police bad buying or selling decisions, only fraud or lies. (sort of the same).

And as far as bumping a thread when a card is sold, I just sold the WG Jackson card in the BST area, and did an edit to the body of the post and the title of the post as SOLD. And all the time without bumping the thread to the top. I doubt we put a rule in place not to do that though. Our goal with this forum has always been to have as few rules as possible. Almost every single one made has been because a lot of members WANTED them AND they made sense WITHOUT (notice my capitalized about that for an effect?) without them being too invasive. Even though we have some rules, such as the name rule, I feel this forum has fewer rules than most. That is the goal.

BTW, I was just in the BST area and here is an example of comments that are not permitted in this thread.

Originally Posted by Bored5000 View Post
I get it that people can obviously ask anything they want for a card, but I think that buying a card, then immediately listing it with a 60 percent markup on here is outside the spirit of what the BST board is on here is about, IMO.
Leon Luckey

Last edited by Leon; 05-19-2019 at 03:06 PM.
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