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Old 09-11-2007, 04:38 PM
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Default Abandon hope, all ye who bid with auction houses!

Posted By: Ryan Christoff

I'm done with them ALL. I don't care what they have that I want for my collection, I'm done with them. No more bidding with auction houses for me. Screw them all!

I thought those of you who bid on the kinds of things I bid on might like to know that you no longer have me as a competitor.

Happy bidding,


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Old 09-11-2007, 04:48 PM
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Default Abandon hope, all ye who bid with auction houses!

Posted By: barrysloate

I feel your pain!

You've had a bad week, no doubt about it.

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Old 09-11-2007, 04:54 PM
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Default Abandon hope, all ye who bid with auction houses!

Posted By: Joseph

Congratulations've had a breakthrough. That's the second public breakthrough of a boarder in the last few weeks.

Remember, you can live a wonderful life---even as a collector--without engaging the auction
houses (unless, of course you consider eBay an auction house, in which case it'll be tough.)

And also remember: if you're ever in danger of falling off the wagon, we're here for ya.

Good luck.

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Old 09-11-2007, 04:57 PM
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Default Abandon hope, all ye who bid with auction houses!

Posted By: Bob Pomilla

"And also remember: if you're ever in danger of falling off the wagon, we're here for ya."

Auctions Anonymous?

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Old 09-11-2007, 05:00 PM
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Default Abandon hope, all ye who bid with auction houses!

Posted By: DD

I feel your pain. As I stated in the other post, I e-mailed Dan Imler and voiced my objections. Can you clarify what you mean by auction house. Are we talking about Mastro/REA/Memory Lane, etc., or are you also including single owner auctions such as Lew Lipset, Barry Sloate, etc.

I ask this only because you also run auctions, and would not want you to be accused of hypocrisy. You seem to be a standup guy to me from what I have read on this board.

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Old 09-11-2007, 06:46 PM
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Default Abandon hope, all ye who bid with auction houses!

Posted By: Ryan Christoff


If anyone is considering a total ban on auction houses, but could only do so by also boycotting mine, I encourage them to do so. I'm willing to lose some money if it means the other auction houses do to. Hopefully it will be proportional, so for every $1 I lose, Sotheby's/SCP (for example) will lose $1,000.

Plus, what makes you think isn't as shady as the rest? It's the only auction that I know for certain isn't screwing people and ripping them off, but that's only because I have inside information. But YOU don't know that. In fact, you'd be an idiot not to assume that all auction houses are in business specifically to steal your money and misrepresent what they are auctioning.

Since you cannot KNOW for certain that my auctions are any different than the rest, even if you THINK they are, I strongly recommend that you and everyone else should boycott all auctions across the board, including mine.

In all seriousness, I am honestly considering a change in the terms and conditions that states that anyone who continues to bid with Sotheby's/SCP Auctions may not bid in my auctions. Any bid in my auction will be considered a declaration by the bidder that they did not bid in the last Sotheby's/SCP auction and do not intend to do so in the future.

The other thing is, are you sure there are even going to be any more auctions? You might have underestimated the frustration levels caused by the awesome world of baseball card/memorabilia auctions.

What a great hobby! Like painting with watercolors or planting a rose garden, it's so nice to just relax and enjoy it.



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Old 09-11-2007, 07:15 PM
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Default Abandon hope, all ye who bid with auction houses!

Posted By: Kenny Cole


I strongly suggest that you make no such change to the terms and conditions of your auction. Call me or email me and I will explain why.


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Old 09-12-2007, 07:51 AM
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Default Abandon hope, all ye who bid with auction houses!

Posted By: Richard Simon

"What a great hobby! Like painting with watercolors or planting a rose garden, it's so nice to just relax and enjoy it."
I recommend photography,,,


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