For sale is a Juan Marichal no-hitter ticket stub dated 6/15/63 and an original front page of the SF Chronicle Sporting Green from the following day. The newspaper has articles on the game on the front and back as well as the boxscore. This was the only no-hitter of Marichal's HOF career and it was also the first no-hitter in SF Giants history. This stub is in overall nice condition. The stub has two staple holes in the area where it reads "Subscriber's Season Box Book". It also has an identation of a paperclip but neither detract from the overall display quality IMO. As can be seen from the scans there is also no writing on the ticket stub and no missing pieces of paper either. A great piece for Giants collectors or no-hit ticket collectors.
Here are links to two other Marichal no-hit stubs that have sold in the past couple of years:
Asking $350 for this historic stub. Priority shipping is included. Preferred method of payment is check, money order or paypal gift. I can be reached at: deweystgermaine AT gmail DOT com