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Old 02-02-2025, 08:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Vintage Vern View Post
It had to do with some asshat being an ass to another person for no reason, and having to explain himself with no out for the other person who is still trying to find a way out. What is my behavior towards the hobby? Good luck explaining it.
Hahaha, dude you're an idiot! You came on here and immediately asked about who the worst members of the hobby are and did so directly at the actual hobbyists. If you were fuming about some deal with an unscrupulous eBay dealer or a bad encounter with an athlete that'd be one thing, but right off the bat asking "what type of collector hurts the hobby the most" serves no purpose other than trying to initiate some type of hilarious battle royale in a forum about collecting baseball cards.

I humbly disagree with the gentleman above that you're a talented writer, but like him I would also encourage you to focus on the history of your town's connection to professional baseball as opposed to trying to track down cards.
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Old 02-02-2025, 08:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Mark17 View Post
Since preserving history is your higher stated goal, why not focus on writing a book about the town? You're already doing a ton of research, talking to elderly people who have priceless historical insight to the town. There are many, many more facets to Clemons than just the 3 baseball personalities you mention. There's their history, yes, but that could be expanded greatly in your book. Pictures of the houses where these men grew up, biographies of them, and other members of the town's baseball team (including rosters of the team through the years, maybe some accounts of games, and so on.)

What would preserve history better - giving that community a well-researched, multi-faceted history gleaned from the recollections of elderly residents, photos of the town, its building and residents through the decades, or a few baseball cards, which, to the average person, are simply small pictures?

You mention an article you're looking for. When you find stuff like that, include it in your book for long-term preservation, for all to see and read. You could also search articles in other newspapers that have accounts of games played when the Clemons team visited their town.

Before I retired, I was a business analyst, and the first and most important thing was to examine and clarify requirements before thinking about implementation solutions. It seems to me your requirement - your passion - is to preserve the history of Clemons. You clearly understand that time is of the essence, because people with invaluable recollections and insights are steadily disappearing. However, you have, in my opinion, made the common mistake of leaping to an implementation solution (collecting a small handful of obscure baseball cards.) If you go back to the core requirement, you may find that general research might be far more valuable than, for example, replacing a card that has a crease and missing paper on the back, with a nicer copy.

If you're familiar with Larry Ritter's book, The Glory of Their Times, you know about his method, which was to interview elderly players while recording the conversations (with their permissions of course.) You could do that, with veteran farmers, policemen, firemen, grocery store owners, mayors, etc.

I've collected cards for basically my entire life and I can tell you honestly, if someone had a T206 Wagner on display 30 minutes from me, I wouldn't bother to see it. Why? For me, seeing a picture of it would suffice. Put photos of the cards you seek in your book and that will satisfy the great majority of people interested in the subject of the town of Clemons.

You could have a ton of fun with such a project instead of being frustrated with your elusive pursuit of scarce pieces of cardboard. You could accomplish far, far more in terms of historical preservation across all areas of life, with a nice focus on the town baseball team, if that's your main passion. Instead of searching in vain for someone who will sell you that 1953 minor league card, seek out an advanced collector who might provide you with a high resolution scan of it.

Your book, self-published probably, would be available to all, and forever into the future. Unlike a handful of cards, which will end up somewhere, at best in some obscure display with little context.

You obviously are a very skilled writer. You have a deep passion. Preserving history really matters to you. My humble suggestion is, re-examine your core requirement, re-define you implementation strategy, and proceed to document the full history of the town of Clemons.
Thanks for this.

The great thing about it is many of the elders already documented much of the towns history. My biggest regret is to not have recorded many of our conversations before their passing. I do know one of the main contributors was my elderly neighbor who passed away last year at the age of 98. She was sharp as a tack, and was a huge source of information. Not only about Clemons, but her family history and the history of life in general. It will be hard not seeing her out gardening this spring. Much of what you suggested has been written about. I know her copy of Clemons history has many hand written updates since 1982.

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Old 02-02-2025, 09:03 PM
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I'll also include a Jerry Mehlisch interview. He has also since passed away last year at age 92. I have multiple hand written letters from multiple people, but I will not show them here for various reasons. This is something his wife Shari won't mind. Jerry actually was born in the same small town of Liberty township (as did my Grandmother) just a few miles outside of Clemons.

Last edited by Vintage Vern; 02-02-2025 at 09:22 PM.
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Old 02-02-2025, 10:19 PM
G1911 G1911 is offline McCl.@y
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Originally Posted by Vintage Vern View Post
You do understand I wrote the initial questions? I guess you missed that important fact? In other words I know what was asked, and you only answered the part you wanted, and didn't answer the main question then went on some wild ass tangent and stayed there. I guess if you keep repeating the same lies to yourself, you start to beleive them. You're still trying to hang onto that contradicting stance! Atta boy! At least you put down the shovel for a backhoe!
Duh, I answered the half I chose to from the OP. It was difficult to believe a collector (which you are and aren't depending on which of your posts isn't bullshit!) cannot figure out that he might need some patience and the cards he wants are not always available, there's really not much to say to part 1. There is no rule that everyone on a forum must answer every question in an OP, people choose relevant parts and answer those. It happens every day all the time without a meltdown.

Things you don't like or observing your contradictions are not a tangent (posting pics of your mother, which has absolutely nothing to do with this at all, in an attempt to use as some kind of shield from criticism for your self-entitled crap is a tangent though). You chose to make a thread whining that something must be wrong with hobbyists because you didn't get a card you wanted and sought support in identifying which kinds are the problem to the hobby (which means you and only you getting what you want). It is not a lie to highlight where you directly contradict yourself in the transcript, which is in front of all of us. Your fit is quite amusing, but up your prescription and go outside. You not getting a baseball card you wanted is not a problem with the hobby or other people. We'd have 50 tantrums a day on the board if we all behaved like this when we didn't get a card, people often don't get the item they wanted. Tough, move on. Grow up
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Old 02-02-2025, 11:59 PM
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For anyone to start a thread criticizing certain kinds of collectors just because a a collector refused his offer for a card is beyond belief.

Radically Canadian!
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Old 02-03-2025, 06:40 AM
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This might be the craziest thread I’ve ever read.
Is this real?
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Old 02-03-2025, 06:51 AM
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Old 02-04-2025, 10:18 AM
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If it's going to get donated to a small town's historical society, the general public would not care what condition the item is in.
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Old 02-04-2025, 03:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Balticfox View Post
For anyone to start a thread criticizing certain kinds of collectors just because a a collector refused his offer for a card is beyond belief.

I take it you had a twin sibling that stole all the oxygen in the womb or a fall out of a second story window or a really long fall down a stairway? I know you didn't or can't read or you wouldn't have posted this post.

Enlighten us, and point out where I criticized any type of collector, then do the same with how I did so for someone refusing to sell. Reading comprehension goes a long way on a message board.

Just to save some time, I did neither of what you accused me of.
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Old 02-04-2025, 03:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Chicosbailbonds View Post
If it's going to get donated to a small town's historical society, the general public would not care what condition the item is in.
Probably not, but I care. I'm just weird that way. If its a one off I take what I can get.
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Old 02-04-2025, 03:54 PM
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Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
Duh, I answered the half I chose to from the OP. It was difficult to believe a collector (which you are and aren't depending on which of your posts isn't bullshit!) cannot figure out that he might need some patience and the cards he wants are not always available, there's really not much to say to part 1. There is no rule that everyone on a forum must answer every question in an OP, people choose relevant parts and answer those. It happens every day all the time without a meltdown.

Things you don't like or observing your contradictions are not a tangent (posting pics of your mother, which has absolutely nothing to do with this at all, in an attempt to use as some kind of shield from criticism for your self-entitled crap is a tangent though). You chose to make a thread whining that something must be wrong with hobbyists because you didn't get a card you wanted and sought support in identifying which kinds are the problem to the hobby (which means you and only you getting what you want). It is not a lie to highlight where you directly contradict yourself in the transcript, which is in front of all of us. Your fit is quite amusing, but up your prescription and go outside. You not getting a baseball card you wanted is not a problem with the hobby or other people. We'd have 50 tantrums a day on the board if we all behaved like this when we didn't get a card, people often don't get the item they wanted. Tough, move on. Grow up
Duh? Didn't I say all you did was answer the secondary question not the main question?

Not one post has been "bullshit" Dang it!! I thought we had a minor breakthrough on "your" is he or isn't he a collector. I knew I should have dialed down the speed a tad bit more.

Well, your meltdown has turned this into page 3 vs 1 total page. I can't give you total credit, a few others that have issues reading what they want vs what is said or explained also contributed. Post 6 should have been your first, and last post. Especially since you couldn't comprehend what sell means from post 1, then assume someone would offer just a lower grade card, and be confused why a person wouldn't respond back.

So you're tangent is of me posting a picture of my mother? You know I did so because of what I was accused of? I could have said I didn't post because my mom broke her jaw. Do you think that would have been enough proof? Me either! Want to know why? Look at you, and your response now. Another failed attempt to follow along. At this point, I'm no longer surprised by your slow adult comprehension skill set.

The issue is you haven't a clue what a contradiction is let alone know when one exists. You keep coming back with false narratives that you think is what was stated. From post 1 to 104 you're still lost, and still driving home things you have applied to what you want it to be not what I stated. I will state this for at least the second time to you directly. Question 1 and 2 had absolutely no corelation between each other. You made that jump on your own.

It was quite rude of you to steal the oxygen from your twin brother in the womb! Two peas in a pod!

Last edited by Vintage Vern; 02-04-2025 at 03:59 PM.
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Old 02-04-2025, 04:07 PM
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For someone who criticized everyone else's reading ability, you have clearly not read the room.

When you believe everyone has mistaken what you've said, the problem is usually with what you said. Like I said a while ago. Actually go back and re-read your posts. You have not portrayed what you think you have. And your condescending arrogance doesn't help.

If you truly want to get people help you with your mission, being a complete jerk is not an effective method.
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Old 02-04-2025, 04:16 PM
G1911 G1911 is offline McCl.@y
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Originally Posted by Vintage Vern View Post
Duh? Didn't I say all you did was answer the secondary question not the main question?

Not one post has been "bullshit" Dang it!! I thought we had a minor breakthrough on "your" is he or isn't he a collector. I knew I should have dialed down the speed a tad bit more.

Well, your meltdown has turned this into page 3 vs 1 total page. I can't give you total credit, a few others that have issues reading what they want vs what is said or explained also contributed. Post 6 should have been your first, and last post. Especially since you couldn't comprehend what sell means from post 1, then assume someone would offer just a lower grade card, and be confused why a person wouldn't respond back.

So you're tangent is of me posting a picture of my mother? You know I did so because of what I was accused of? I could have said I didn't post because my mom broke her jaw. Do you think that would have been enough proof? Me either! Want to know why? Look at you, and your response now. Another failed attempt to follow along. At this point, I'm no longer surprised by your slow adult comprehension skill set.

The issue is you haven't a clue what a contradiction is let alone know when one exists. You keep coming back with false narratives that you think is what was stated. From post 1 to 104 you're still lost, and still driving home things you have applied to what you want it to be not what I stated. I will state this for at least the second time to you directly. Question 1 and 2 had absolutely no corelation between each other. You made that jump on your own.

It was quite rude of you to steal the oxygen from your twin brother in the womb! Two peas in a pod!
You're clearly incapable of getting it, or realizing your numerous contradictions in the recorded, written transcript, so I'm just going to go with the funniest most over the top bullshit you've done.

Your mother being unwell has jackshit to do with baseball cards, this transaction, or people criticizing your over the top crap. You brought her up as a poorly concocted shield from criticism (and totally great excuse for spending days having a meltdown and proving you aren't stewing in anger for days over this thread ) even though 100% of people (except you) know this has nothing to do with anything lol. Pathetic. Can you really not see how absolutely deranged you are behaving? You didn't get a baseball card, get over it. You've achieved nothing but ensuring that a lot of people will not want to help your quest.
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Old 02-04-2025, 04:31 PM
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Originally Posted by OhioLawyerF5 View Post
For someone who criticized everyone else's reading ability, you have clearly not read the room.

When you believe everyone has mistaken what you've said, the problem is usually with what you said. Like I said a while ago. Actually go back and re-read your posts. You have not portrayed what you think you have. And your condescending arrogance doesn't help.

If you truly want to get people help you with your mission, being a complete jerk is not an effective method.
I've read the room of the people that didn't get it twisted from the jump. You have 1 post then you're condescending attitude has yet to stop. Why do you think I'll give you any slack? If people wanted to truly help, they would have responded to question 1 not gotten bent from question 2, and continued to be bent, especially after I explained myself multiple times. You think you can get a free pass for your actions, and I have no right to defend myself? Dream on Bubba!

Might want to take a look back down memory lane to what you posted, and how irrelevant most of your responses were. Your mind was made, and didn't matter what I said. You even said so multiple times. Problem with your take is it was your opinion and judgment, not what was done on my end. What I've learned from this thread is many artists try to paint their own picture.

You're hangup is still,and started at, (I have rights to something that isn't mine.) That's the most asinine assumption you could make. How many times do I need to say the same thing to you?

Last edited by Vintage Vern; 02-04-2025 at 04:57 PM.
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Old 02-04-2025, 04:43 PM
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Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
You're clearly incapable of getting it, or realizing your numerous contradictions in the recorded, written transcript, so I'm just going to go with the funniest most over the top bullshit you've done.

Your mother being unwell has jackshit to do with baseball cards, this transaction, or people criticizing your over the top crap. You brought her up as a poorly concocted shield from criticism (and totally great excuse for spending days having a meltdown and proving you aren't stewing in anger for days over this thread ) even though 100% of people (except you) know this has nothing to do with anything lol. Pathetic. Can you really not see how absolutely deranged you are behaving? You didn't get a baseball card, get over it. You've achieved nothing but ensuring that a lot of people will not want to help your quest.

You mean the transcript that you got wrong from post 1? That transcript?

Actually, the funny thing is, you can't get to a fact to save your life. I guess you're one of those alternative fact fellows?

You're right, my mom had absolutely nothing to do with it, until I had to prove some asshole with an absurd assumptions about why I didn't post. I was a Karen if memory serves me correctly. You're the only other person that keeps droning on about it.

Don't pat yourself on the back, if you think the likes of you have me sitting in my home "stewing " LOL. Your low level entertainment for me. Again, you can't grasp an easily connected point, and keep clutching on to the same rhetoric page after page, post after post. So what have you achieved? I've gotten some pretty good answers from those that chose to answer the initial question. Thanks to all of you that did so!

Last edited by Vintage Vern; 02-04-2025 at 04:48 PM.
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Old 02-04-2025, 05:02 PM
G1911 G1911 is offline McCl.@y
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Originally Posted by Vintage Vern View Post
You mean the transcript that you got wrong from post 1? That transcript?

Actually, the funny thing is, you can't get to a fact to save your life. I guess you're one of those alternative fact fellows?

You're right, my mom had absolutely nothing to do with it, until I had to prove some asshole with an absurd assumptions about why I didn't post. I was a Karen if memory serves me correctly. You're the only other person that keeps droning on about it.

Don't pat yourself on the back, if you think the likes of you have me sitting in my home "stewing " LOL. Your low level entertainment for me. Again, you can't grasp an easily connected point, and keep clutching on to the same rhetoric page after page, post after post. So what have you achieved? I've gotten some pretty good answers from those that chose to answer the initial question. Thanks to all of you that did so!
There's a reason one of us can cite the contradictions in the transcript and the other just raves claiming it's the opposite lol. Maybe eventually you'll figure out that building a collection is collecting done by a collector, but I doubt it. This thread has the most pointless lies, though very amusing, I've read here. Can't wait for the next tantrum when you don't get a card again.
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Old 02-04-2025, 05:15 PM
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Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
There's a reason one of us can cite the contradictions in the transcript and the other just raves claiming it's the opposite lol. Maybe eventually you'll figure out that building a collection is collecting done by a collector, but I doubt it. This thread has the most pointless lies, though very amusing, I've read here. Can't wait for the next tantrum when you don't get a card again.
When you can understand what an actual contradiction is, then maybe you can stand on a soap box. Unfortunately you can't. When dealing with a person that has preconceived notions, nothing can be achieved from another party.

I'm still trying to see the tantrum from not getting a card? Oh, that's right, that's your inner voice of confusion once again rearing its ugly head of deception, and angst.
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Old 02-04-2025, 05:30 PM
G1911 G1911 is offline McCl.@y
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Originally Posted by Vintage Vern View Post
When you can understand what an actual contradiction is, then maybe you can stand on a soap box. Unfortunately you can't. When dealing with a person that has preconceived notions, nothing can be achieved from another party.

I'm still trying to see the tantrum from not getting a card? Oh, that's right, that's your inner voice of confusion once again rearing its ugly head of deception, and angst.
59 has your most ridiculous contradiction highlighted in the transcript for you. If you try really hard, you might figure out that your bizarre self-righteous insistence that you are not a collector is contradicted by your own statements about your "collecting" and "building a collection". Obviously you are, in fact, collecting. Why this is something one wants to deny and lie about is a complete mystery to any normal person.
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Old 02-04-2025, 06:23 PM
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Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
59 has your most ridiculous contradiction highlighted in the transcript for you. If you try really hard, you might figure out that your bizarre self-righteous insistence that you are not a collector is contradicted by your own statements about your "collecting" and "building a collection". Obviously you are, in fact, collecting. Why this is something one wants to deny and lie about is a complete mystery to any normal person.
Your drivel is astonishing, and sorry to say, but you just hung yourself.

Read numbers 27,31,43,48,52,58. That debunks almost every single claim you've been clinging onto.

The absolute sad thing is your post 59 has quotes, unfortunately taken out of context to prove a point there's none for. Post 58 provides the truth to that and then #74 kills everything you think you have proven. You're just a sorry lil boy! You can't even read a post, let alone a room.

Last edited by Vintage Vern; 02-04-2025 at 06:25 PM.
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Old 02-04-2025, 07:11 PM
G1911 G1911 is offline McCl.@y
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Originally Posted by Vintage Vern View Post
Your drivel is astonishing, and sorry to say, but you just hung yourself.

Read numbers 27,31,43,48,52,58. That debunks almost every single claim you've been clinging onto.

The absolute sad thing is your post 59 has quotes, unfortunately taken out of context to prove a point there's none for. Post 58 provides the truth to that and then #74 kills everything you think you have proven. You're just a sorry lil boy! You can't even read a post, let alone a room.
As a great reader, if you read them, I am sure you would see how you make directly contradictory claims in the ones you highlight lol. If you want to talk about reading rooms you might notice that nobody at all is buying your bullshit and has told you stop . Up your dosage.
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Old 02-04-2025, 07:32 PM
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Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
As a great reader, if you read them, I am sure you would see how you make directly contradictory claims in the ones you highlight lol. If you want to talk about reading rooms you might notice that nobody at all is buying your bullshit and has told you stop . Up your dosage.
Unfortunately for you I can not only read, I can also understand. I can also see how a person takes part of a quote out of context to fit an untrue characterization of what was fully stated to begin with. By all, you actully mean you!

I know you think you're some special cool kid, but you're really just a sad lil boy. The people you mean you and few others that can't read what was stated, and kept going down the path they wanted it to be vs what it actually is. You're proof of that in spades. Three posters today have proven that what I speak is the truth. Repeat a lie long enough, and you soon believe it. Keep on truckin lil buddy!
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Old 02-04-2025, 07:42 PM
G1911 G1911 is offline McCl.@y
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Originally Posted by Vintage Vern View Post
Unfortunately for you I can not only read, I can also understand. I can also see how a person takes part of a quote out of context to fit an untrue characterization of what was fully stated to begin with. By all, you actully mean you!

I know you think you're some special cool kid, but you're really just a sad lil boy. The people you mean you and few others that can't read what was stated, and kept going down the path they wanted it to be vs what it actually is. You're proof of that in spades. Three posters today have proven that what I speak is the truth. Repeat a lie long enough, and you soon believe it. Keep on truckin lil buddy!
I know I should stop picking on the retarded kid, but trying to frame all 3 posters of the day observing you are full of crap as proof you are honest is pretty funny.
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Old 02-04-2025, 08:03 PM
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Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
I know I should stop picking on the retarded kid, but trying to frame all 3 posters of the day observing you are full of crap as proof you are honest is pretty funny.
Until you realize 3 posters have been found guilty of such, and your the top of the heap. You really should stop picking on yourself. Its not fair to grade a "intellectual disabled person" as low as you. Stop making them look bad! I know that's your speed. Real, real slow and low!

I'm doing fine without your help, but you do kinda make it somewhat easier. Keep pointing out your own idocies is rather amusing. Post 59 look at post 59. What a maroon! I didn't expect you to understand once I pointed you in the right direction. The mental gymnastics of yours is quite amusing!
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Old 02-04-2025, 08:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Vintage Vern View Post
Unfortunately for you I can not only read, I can also understand.
This is the most ridiculous thing said in this thread.

I know you think you are arguing effectively, but ad hominem is not an effective method.

Last edited by OhioLawyerF5; 02-04-2025 at 08:14 PM.
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Old 02-04-2025, 08:28 PM
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Originally Posted by OhioLawyerF5 View Post
This is the most ridiculous thing said in this thread.

I know you think you are arguing effectively, but ad hominem is not an effective method.
You must have skipped your own posts along with a few orhers. Is that what you're trying to indicate?

Glass house and stones or Seeing Forrest through trees?

Last edited by Vintage Vern; 02-04-2025 at 08:31 PM.
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Old 02-04-2025, 08:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Vintage Vern View Post
You must have skipped your own posts along with a few orhers. Is that what you're trying to indicate?

Glass house and stones or Seeing Forrest through trees?
"I know you are, but what am I?" and "nuh uh" are also not effective, even though they appear to be your go-to style.
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Old 02-04-2025, 09:13 PM
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Originally Posted by OhioLawyerF5 View Post
"I know you are, but what am I?" and "nuh uh" are also not effective, even though they appear to be your go-to style.
I just go to what is given to me. Your avoidance is also very alarming when called out on your approach of responding. You've been a condescending ass for most of it. Reap what you sow. Stop playing the victim.

Last edited by Vintage Vern; 02-04-2025 at 09:16 PM.
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Old 02-04-2025, 10:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Vintage Vern View Post
Here's the truth. Most people don't care about the players they collect. They care about completing a set. It doesn't matter who's in it.
You're wrong. That may have been the truth fifty years ago, but these days it appears that the majority of card collectors are not set builders. Collectors these days generally have a more narrow focus for two reasons:

1) There's an incredible amount of different cards out there. Even traditional Topps Baseball sets average out to over 700 different cards.

2) The price of cards these days makes collecting all the cards in a set extremely expensive.

Radically Canadian!
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Old 02-04-2025, 10:56 PM
G1911 G1911 is offline McCl.@y
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Originally Posted by Vintage Vern View Post
Until you realize 3 posters have been found guilty of such, and your the top of the heap. You really should stop picking on yourself. Its not fair to grade a "intellectual disabled person" as low as you. Stop making them look bad! I know that's your speed. Real, real slow and low!

I'm doing fine without your help, but you do kinda make it somewhat easier. Keep pointing out your own idocies is rather amusing. Post 59 look at post 59. What a maroon! I didn't expect you to understand once I pointed you in the right direction. The mental gymnastics of yours is quite amusing!
Is this whole thing a troll job? Other people are guilty of mental gymnastics because they know a collector is somebody who collects things to build a collection lol. Pulling the sick mom card like a third grader, the bizarre contradictions and stories that ignore previous renditions of the story, it's hard to believe you can possibly be this out of touch.
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Old 02-04-2025, 11:02 PM
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Why are you people continuing to bicker? Does it really matter at this point?

Last edited by Mark17; 02-04-2025 at 11:03 PM.
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Old 02-04-2025, 11:05 PM
doug.goodman doug.goodman is offline
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Wow. This thread is amazing. So many comments I wanted to make as I made my way from the start.

I skipped a couple pages because Vern is evidently the reincarnation of the recently departed bigfoot, so it's possible that somebody already said this but :

Common cards are by definition "common" = "easy to find".

Vern (possibly previously known as bigfoot) none of the players you are looking for fit that definition.

Originally Posted by Vintage Vern View Post
Never said it wasn't.

What I was given for a response was literally he didn't want to break the set up. That's why I responded with an offer, but got nothing back. I did so knowing he had no set parameters with grades because he has [A up to 7] most in the 1 to 4 range.

I don't have the lower card I just know of one I could obtain. He would still have a full set and I could get the card that has personal value I'm looking for.

My reasons are multiple, but I want the best I can get within reason. Everything I find will be donated to the town in which the player(s) came from. I have 2 players to find items for Jerry Mehlisch, Verne Clemons and non player owner Jim Dunn. They all came from the small town of Clemons Iowa. Same town I'm from. I can guarantee my desire far outweighs any guy just trying to get a complete set. All 3 are distant relatives as well.
My only response to that amazing display of narcissism is to post this picture of a completely unique Heilbroner card which is for sale for $5000 insured postage paid.

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Old 02-04-2025, 11:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Vintage Vern View Post
I know you didn't or can't read or you wouldn't have posted this post.
I take it that logic is not your strong suit. Had I not been reading this thread, I wouldn't have been compelled to respond. I would/could have done something more productive, e.g. flipping through my card collection.

Originally Posted by Vintage Vern View Post
Enlighten us, and point out where I criticized any type of collector....
Since most of us in this thread are already enlightened, it seems that it's only your memory that needs to be refreshed:

Originally Posted by Vintage Vern View Post
Also what type of collector hurts the hobby the most and I'm sure it's subjective. Is it type collectors, set collectors, single team or player, other?
Originally Posted by Vintage Vern View Post
Different ways I'd imagine.

For me I just inquired about a card that a set collector has. No dice won't sell. Took a decade to get the complete set. Doesn't really care about the players in the set, just that it's complete.
You were clearly criticizing set builders.

Originally Posted by Vintage Vern View Post
...then do the same with how I did so for someone refusing to sell.

Originally Posted by Vintage Vern View Post
What about ones that don't care, and won't sell?
You were griping and whining about a certain specific set builder and member of this forum declining your offer.

Originally Posted by Vintage Vern View Post
You do understand I wrote the initial questions?
Yes I do. Which is why I quoted your exact words.

Originally Posted by Vintage Vern View Post
Reading comprehension goes a long way on a message board.
Yes it does. So does short-term memory where you seem to be shall we say "challenged".

Originally Posted by Vintage Vern View Post
I'm not a jerk to people.
Given your many ad hominem attacks, most of us would disagree.

Originally Posted by Vintage Vern View Post
I take it you had a twin sibling that stole all the oxygen in the womb....
Be careful what you ask for. I can be caustic enough all by my self even without a twin.

Radically Canadian!
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Old 02-04-2025, 11:17 PM
G1911 G1911 is offline McCl.@y
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Originally Posted by Mark17 View Post
Why are you people continuing to bicker? Does it really matter at this point?
It's baseball cards, it never mattered. If he wasn't complaining he didn't get a card, and I wasn't complaining that his entitlement is ridiculous, you wouldn't be able to join in and complain that we are complaining. You're welcome.
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Old 02-05-2025, 03:52 AM
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Originally Posted by doug.goodman View Post
Wow. This thread is amazing. So many comments I wanted to make as I made my way from the start.

I skipped a couple pages because Vern is evidently the reincarnation of the recently departed bigfoot, so it's possible that somebody already said this but :

Common cards are by definition "common" = "easy to find".

Vern (possibly previously known as bigfoot) none of the players you are looking for fit that definition.

My only response to that amazing display of narcissism is to post this picture of a completely unique Heilbroner card which is for sale for $5000 insured postage paid.

Well, Clemons commons sure are scarce by what I've witnessed from pop reports and registry from all TPG. I would imagine that's one clue of how easy they are to come by. The other is I have yet to get one here for multiple years I've been here.

I've already passed on 2 Heilbroner cards the last one sold for under 20 bucks on ebay.

Then this guy here on Net54 said he might have something odd, but then said he didn't know if he still had it and then said nothing until now.



Keep your card!!! People that can't even respond, I wouldn't trust to deliver something anyway. I don't like dealing with chain jerkers.

Last edited by Vintage Vern; 02-05-2025 at 04:06 AM.
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Old 02-05-2025, 12:54 PM
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