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Old 11-13-2022, 08:11 AM
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Pat R Pat R is offline
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Join Date: May 2012
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Default Some of the mysteries and myths surrounding the most famous card in the hobby.

We will never know all the truth's about the card but some of the claims defy what we do know about the printing starting with the first claim that the card originated from a sheet that Alan Ray's father supposedly purchased at a Florida flea market. We now know without a doubt that there were several vertical rows of each subject on a sheet in every series printed in the set so where are all the other Wagner's that would have been on that sheet?

What I feel is another big myth is that Plank was also on that sheet with Wagner and it is claimed that the Conlon Plank came from that sheet. So like the Wagner where are all the other Plank's from that sheet and to a greater degree the back numbers on the two cards indicate that there is very little chance that Plank and Wagner were ever on a T206 sheet together.

Her are the numbers on the Wagner's and the 150 series Planks in the t206resource galleries

The only good evidence we have of previous claims about the card is Mastro admitting in court that he trimmed the sides of the Wagner.

We really know very little about the most famous and talked about card in the hobby. There are no really good pictures or scans of the card that I know of and very little talk about it from any of previous owners.

A member asked me to add the 350's for comparison to my post which is simple enough since Wagner wasn't printed with 350 backs and Plank is only confirmed with SC350/30.

Last edited by Pat R; 11-18-2022 at 01:10 PM. Reason: Added 350/30
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