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Old 11-23-2022, 12:42 AM
G1911 G1911 is offline McCl.@y
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There's another connection, another N card involved individual coming up again in the T card project once the law changed.

Bien fought in the 1848 Springtime revolutions, was the first President of the National Lithographers Association, and was the leader of B'nai B'rith for over 3 decades according to Wikipedia. Died in December of 1909. Seems like the fellow lived quite a varied life, just like Fullgraff. His son donated a portrait to the Smithsonian in 1920, painted by George Da Maduro Peixotto.

Fullgraff's sporting interests, Bien's in birds and fish and maps, correlate strongly to the subjects chosen for the card projects, which appear to have been chosen by the lithographers and not the ATC from our 2021 research. Fullgraff's seem to be causation more than correlation.

Here's a modern reprint credited to his firm originally for the "American Eagle Tobacco Company": picturing Lily Langtry, who crops up in many places in advertising and public interest during this period and seems to be one of those women famous for being famous and being associated to numerous men. Still looking for other connections to tobacco.
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