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Old 07-31-2022, 07:52 PM
CJinPA CJinPA is offline
Join Date: Oct 2019
Location: Doylestown, PA
Posts: 105

Originally Posted by Fballguy View Post
My first timer observations...Warning LCC*

7) If a clusterf*ck impregnated a birds nest and the birds nest proceeded to drink throughout the entire gestation period, it would give birth to the road/highway system of Atlantic City and the surrounding area. What a mess. Even Siri was like WTF? At one point she told me to do a U turn between a 10 foot gap in Jersey barriers on the highway. Likely would've ended in tragedy. Another time, leaving the convention center, I was driving to the hotel for 5-6 minutes and somehow ended up back at the convention center. And what does Absecon have against left turns?

10) So...Atlantic City. It seems like the kind of place if you didn't leave your hotel you'd probably love it. The newer ones look very nice. I'm sure the restaurants and bars within are amazing. But old Atlantic City is still there and it's kind of a bummer. I don't know if I'd go back. Maybe after a little more gentrification. In the mean time, I'd head down a little farther to Cape May and look at the pretty houses. We'll see. Never say never.
So funny to hear this from out-of-towners..... bitch about the city, bitch about the traffic circles and at the end of the day, they relied on Siri.... I laugh at you all!

Nice report though - thank you for that!

Last edited by CJinPA; 07-31-2022 at 07:53 PM.
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