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Old 10-30-2022, 02:03 PM
raulus raulus is online now
Nicol0 Pin.oli
Join Date: May 2022
Posts: 1,858

Wish I could help. I’m a Mays collector, and I’ve never actually seen this piece before. So I think it’s fair to say that it’s not a common piece, potentially even a very rare piece.

In some ways, I would like to think that what we’ve all learned in this thread so far is not an insignificant amount of additional context and detail. So I’m actually somewhat pleased that we’ve all learned as much as we have.

Based on the tidbits that we can all glean from the actual item itself, along with a few extra details that have been provided here, that might be about all we’re going to be able to share. For better or worse, not many of us were there at that specific time and place to have much more to share with you, particularly around a relatively obscure piece like this.

Really wish we could help more, but if there’s more out there, its news to me. Hopefully I’m wrong, and someone out there has a treasure trove of additional information, insights, and context that they’ve just been compiling and getting ready to post for our collective edification.
Trying to wrap up my master mays set, with just a few left:

1963 Post complete panel
1968 American Oil left side
1971 Bazooka numbered complete panel
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