Thread: Spahn is gone
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Old 10-14-2005, 08:29 AM
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Default Spahn is gone

Posted By: Mike Campbell

This type of blathering nonsense is the reason I have always avoided forums and chat rooms. To have to listen to someone ramble on aimlessly about how people should somehow be excused for being rude. To somehow justify or rationalize bad behavior, because of racism, or pressure due to the "profession" is BS. There is never an excuse for treating other people poorly. Especially kids. I will give you two examples of inexcusable behavior that I have witnessed. Though I am sure you can justify it somehow.

I gave two tickets to a game, to friends of mine, who's 5 year old son wanted to go the game to see his favorite player. To this kids amazement, he, just by coincidence, happened to end up being about 5 to 6 feet from this player later on in the day. After the game. He politely asked this player for his autograph. The player did not respond by saying "Not today" or "can't right now", or "sorry I am busy" or "maybe next time". No, he told the 5 year old to "F..." off, and walked away. Now this player is a potential hall of famer.

Now I know he may have a bad day, maybe he didn't feel well, maybe he was injured, the list goes on. But is his behavior justified? Not all athletes act like this. I know that, but is it OK for me to think this player is a jerk? The kid and his family were customers. They paid to see him play. I am quite certain my company would not appreciate me, telling one of the children of our customers to F off. No way to justify that behavior.

I know, one example, one player, one incident. still no excuse.

One more example"

A coworker was out with her friends one night. She was standing at the bar, when all of a sudden, she felt someone slide their hand up the back of her dress, into her underpants. Can this be excused? Not a potential hall of famer, but a very good player none the less. I know, I know, just one more player, just one more incident. Was he having a bad day? Did the error he made that day cause this behavior? Was this the only time in his life he did something perverted? Not to mention illegal? He's a jerk. Married at the time as well.

I love baseball. I love the history. I love the game. I am a lifelong collector of memo. Most players don't act like this. But the tiny few that do, certainly can be called rude. Let's call it what it is.

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