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Old 12-04-2021, 11:28 AM
oldeboo oldeboo is offline
Tr.ey Bu0y
Join Date: Aug 2020
Posts: 409

Earlier graded items demand a premium and at times a very large premium, in the coin world. The thought in that hobby is that they don't grade 'em the same anymore. There are people that collect coins based on nothing more than the design of the plastic holders. Interesting world we live in and the mentality of the collector.

The new slabs are great and all the rage until a year or two down the road when a new flip comes out. At that point, the same exact card is worth significantly less to some. My collecting interests are much more long term than a year or two. It's nothing more than an opportunity to me. Most of the slabbed cards I win in auctions are in the older slabs. There is probably some correlation there.

I don't mind having a phone that is a generation or two older than the current model either. I never was the type to camp outside a store for the new model on release day.
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