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Old 05-14-2021, 01:56 PM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
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Originally Posted by FrankWakefield View Post
One more thing.

I know that if a friend and I set up lawn chairs either side of a cooler in my front yard, and we sit there drinking beer and hollaring at those who drive by, we'll last about 10 minutes. Then the police will show up and ask me what the hell am I doing...

But if we go to a ball game, we can sit outside, drink beer, and hollar. We can hollar at one team, or both. We can hollar at the umpires. And at the ballgame they will bring us more beer.
In my neighborhood we call that "Tuesday" .....

Ok, it's not that bad, but unless we were yelling actual threats or doing it at 2AM I doubt the police would even show up.

Years ago I briefly had a room shared with college kids. I was barely out of college. College kids upstairs too.
One day the upstairs were REALLY tearing it up Yelling over the stereo (How could you Miss? That was Zeppelin!) Throwing trash out the windows...
So we decided to call. At the time, the police would only come for a noise complaint if they got calls from three different people. The PD didn't have caller ID then, so three of us called.
About 5 minutes later, the party goes silent, maybe a minute later the police are at the door. OUR door.... they think it's us. We explained that it was upstairs, no, really, upstairs. I think they finally listened when I said I had work in the morning - "wait, how old are you? 23? Hmmm... " I also pointed out that the end of the street was visible from upstairs, so they knew when the police were coming.
They left an officer in our living room, with a stern speech that if upstairs wasn't the problem we were all in a LOT of trouble..

not 30 seconds after they pull away, the party lights up again and a big bag of trash drops past the window.

Officer on the radio yelling to be heard "Holy S***! Get back here! they weren't lying!"

Best thing I'd heard all day.
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