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Old 05-06-2021, 01:14 PM
thatguywithadot thatguywithadot is offline
Avery Singh II
Join Date: Apr 2021
Location: Washington
Posts: 56

copy that Lucky and i will fix that immediately! Apologies Rjackson44 as i am not an a hole and strive to be the polar opposite and apologize for interpreting that as a potential sarcastic statement! No exuses on my end. II have been up for 66 hours now straight (don't ask and no not a drug addict just OCD and have a ton going on in a good way) and i am definately starting to feel the effects from my crazy schedule past few weeks. I seriously got rubbed the wrong way in a pm i got from someone on the forum yesterday that felt like they were trying to depreciate everything i was doing and had outlandish takes on some things and never followed up to my reply explaining and offering to show them some stuff i have learned through deep analysis of slabs through the years...

do you know if anyone has documented fake Milton Bradley Nolan Ryan's on the forum yet??? I will make a thread for it as i have seen them randomly albeit with more occurrence lately since the boom and came across a beautiful still up listing for pulling excellent shots to show the garbage lol I will try a search in a moment and see if a thread is created for it otherwise stop what i am doing on the store and get some reference material posted that should hopefully be concise and clear to help!

Again apologies Rjackson44 and i will fix it lucky as i know i read that in the pm area or somewhere last night or this morning as i was pming you!
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