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Old 10-13-2022, 10:38 PM
Topnotchsy Topnotchsy is offline
Jeff Lazarus
Join Date: Dec 2013
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Originally Posted by bigfanNY View Post
First although I do collect autographs most of my collection is made up of Memorabilia ( signs Scorecards and programs) and cards. When I do venture into Autographed items the most important factor is authenticity. The photos in your yearbook match favorably to known exemplars. The fact that they exist in a yearbook from a year Jackie attended add to the provenance. So the fact that your four signatures are at the top of the authenticity pile means alot.
So automatically there is a very large market for each of the signatures. Couple that with how nice each page displays with early Photos of Jackie and the demand side of the equation increases.
Conversely if they stay inside the book they become harder to display and you only get one sale vs four.
I own and actively collect signed programs. One because they are among the best / most likely authentic examples and second they tend to be more affordable. My personal preference is for a signed period photo. But they tend to be the highest priced examples of desired signatures.
So your four examples seperated from the book offer the best of both worlds. Great provenance and great display. That is my reasoning if it even matters.
Best of luck with sale
I really appreciate you sharing your perspective. I'm a bit torn on breaking it, but also have gotten mixed messages (here and elsewhere including one major auction house) on the value of restoring the spine.

If I do separate them, would you recommend selling them framed or as is? They are already each authenticated with their own full page LOA so that wouldn't require any more work.
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