Thread: On the easel...
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Old 02-13-2010, 04:18 PM
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Jantz Jantz is offline
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I posted the comment because when I look at your Cobb painting that is exactly how my eyes would see it.

Just image if you had tickets to that very game back in 1908 and this was the view from your seat. Up steps the great Ty Cobb to take his at-bat. How much of the background or any other detail inside the stadium would anyone really notice? If I were sitting there, my entire focus and attention would be on Cobb. You might see it differently because you are an artist, but the way you have the painting now, Cobb's form being the only detailed part in the painting makes him "jump right out" of the painting.

Some may say it is unfinished, but I think you've already captured the moment in this painting.

Once again, truly amazing.

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