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Old 01-13-2008, 11:39 AM
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Default Invest in Stocks or Cards

Posted By: Anonymous

I always thought an interesting approach would be to pick a key card of a popular player in a particular desirable grade, that has inherent value, with a reasonable "market cap." My SMR/Pop report long since expired, but what are the numbers on a Koufax rookie? If someone started aggressively buying them in NM/MT condition, I don't think it would take (relatively) a lot of money to move the market. Couldn't you easily see the market value doubling in a few years? There aren't that many of them, it's an item that'll always be in demand, and you won't see many more coming out of the woodwork.

This is really more market manipulation than investing, though...

Besides that, I agree with general assessments that cards are poor investments overall, but limiting to the key players/cards is probably the best avenue.

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