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Old 09-26-2006, 05:42 PM
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Default Couple quick board topics.....BST ??

Posted By: Trevor Hocking


I am sure I am the very small minority here and I can see the reasons why pretty clear. The seller doesn't want to look like he didn't know what he was doing and the buyer wanted to get a great card for a great price. But it can go the other way as well, the way most would agree on as well. The seller has described his item as rare or selling a very good reprint and the buyer has been duped by the erroneous description from the seller. (which does happen here sometimes, as you stated, and should be called out) So that is ok but the other isn't. I don't think we should eliminate people from adding there input on the BST either way if it is a valid point and like you said, if they put there name by it, it should be ok. The BST should be for education on the hobby as well including pricing. I do not know the buyer or the seller in the recent situation with Adam. But I do believe we are a community and should have a freedom of speech here. I know I'm making this a lot bigger of a deal than I really should and I am sure everyone just wants to drop it but I just got my head spinning today and thought I would rant a little. After all that's what this site is good for right


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