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Old 03-08-2022, 05:53 PM
55koufax 55koufax is offline
ja.mes na.higian
Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 183
Default The worst USPS nightmare ever!

For a span of about 8 months I have had 12 different USPS packages of graded sports cards undelivered. They were all stolen internally, by a USPS worker IN MY LOCAL BRANCH. All but one of the packages were stolen in their entirety, however, one package had one card removed and the package was carefully and cleanly resealed and delivered (minus one $1200 card). I was contacted about two months after it began by a Special Agent from the Office of the Inspector General. They handle postal fraud, etc. This one Agent, to his credit, and after six months of monitoring, just recently caught the culprit. It was fascinating as the Agent had me receive "dummy" packages that he shipped to me so he could track and trace to catch the thief. He utilized hidden cameras everywhere in the post office. He recently told me he has several of my stolen cards, and they will eventually be delivered to me.

It is great when law enforcement works!

USPS was ZERO help and still has not reimbursed me one cent!

What is a shame is that this scumbag did the same thing to other collectors in my zip code, even to a larger extent of loss than mine.
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