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Old 02-25-2014, 06:55 PM
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Erich W
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Indiana
Posts: 347
Default CJ

After reading the Cracker Jack collection late last year, I decided to start my own CJ collection, focusing exclusively on 1914! I love the challenge of 1914 because of both scarcity and condition sensitivity. It's insane to think I'll actually complete it in VG-EX one day but I'm willing to be very, very patient . I will also have my vintage photography to keep me busy between dry spells.

In two months time I am up to 10 cards thanks in large part to board member T0M Pr!nce. Thanks, Tom.

In my limited experience with the set and research on historical prices, I think prices on VG-EX to EX commons are strong ranging from $175 - $500+ depending on scarcity. I think there are so many private transactions on these cards that it's even difficult to review VCP or CardTarget to accurately price them. Much of it also has to rely on pop reports (which have their own limitations, of course). So ultimately, it's a coordination of multiple points (including your own motivation) to come up with a fair price.

I look forward to learning more about the set and working with board members to help me make slow (but steady) progress toward my goal.
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