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Old 10-21-2020, 04:34 PM
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Originally Posted by camaro69 View Post
I may end up buying the card for myself and resubmit it for grading requesting no qualifiers.In hand it is a beautiful card but top to bottom is off centre. Side to side is fine and so is the back. I have to ask. Why are people so obsessed with centering. For me as a collector if it is something that came from the factory then I can handle it. But if it something that someone has done since the card has been out and about then I have a problem. But there are a lot of people that would sooner have dinged corners then a card off centre. I guess I could never understand that.
I use to think the same way. If it came from the factory like that then what's the problem? (look at a lot of my 52's in my link)
The truth of the matter is, if one can find a centered card then they are almost guaranteed to, when the time comes, sell it for a premium. Yes, they will buy it a premium but their chances of recouping or increasing their profits will be significantly increased as well.

Also, since some cards are notorious for being tough to find centered, if one finds one, then it becomes a more desirable/rarer copy. And, like I've now grown accustomed to, centered cards are much more appealing as well.

It is what it is. Many collectors have their quirks and the like but centering, as far as I know, is usually pretty high on most people's list.
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