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Old 02-08-2021, 02:20 PM
Tyruscobb Tyruscobb is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2019
Posts: 594

If you truly feel this is a bubble and that we are nearing its peak, then it only makes collecting/financial sense to sell - even if it is your favorite card. Earmark the sale’s proceeds for future card purchases, and sit tight.

Then, when prices drop, you can buy the same equivalent card (maybe even a better one), and potentially a lot more cards, with the earmarked money. You will have a much better collection in the long-run, and without having to pump new capital into it. However, this assumes we are in a bubble and its peaking.

Mays cards started trending upwards in December, and exploded after Aaron’s death. I almost think that his death will not have a major effect on his card’s prices. His death is almost already baked into the prices we are seeing – at least in my humble opinion.

Good luck with your decision. It’s a great problem to have – keep your favorite card or sell and make a boatload.
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