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Old 08-20-2020, 05:52 AM
Oscar_Stanage Oscar_Stanage is offline
Ry@n \/3tt3R
Join Date: Aug 2020
Location: NJ
Posts: 649
Default my 2 cents

I have a bought a LOT of cards and unopened packs/boxes in the last 3 months, and these were my first purchases since probably 1992.

I think it's over simplifying to think this is driven by people with nothing better to do. My initial re-entry was certainly due to COVID - I spent a lot of time going through my collection (had not touched in 30 years), and organizing/itemizing etc...But it did not stop there - this process completely re-charged my interest in collecting... I began to buy all the cards I could not own as a kid (84 Fleer Update, Mantle, Aaron, Banks, etc), and complete a my incomplete sets. Then I stumbled upon Tobacco cards and will now spend the next few years working on The Monster in addition to all of the star rookies from my generation (Jordan, Montana, Gretzky, etc).

So, yes COVID did get me back in... but I am not going away just because I have to eventually go back to work. I'd guess more people involved in the 2020 flurry are somewhat like me. Sure, I'd like to pay less, but I am a collector not a dealer and I do not plan on selling.
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