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Old 07-28-2012, 09:38 AM
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Runscott Runscott is offline
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Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy View Post

Did you know that every multiple-victim public shooting in the U.S. in which more than three people have been killed since at least 1950 has taken place where citizens are not allowed to carry their own firearms? Does that help answer your question?
No, I didn't know that, but it doesn't help answer any questions involving Holmes. No, he didn't choose a target practice range to carry out his murders, or a bar with a pile of Harleys parked outside. Even if firearms were allowed in movie theaters in Colorado, it would have been a 'safe' environment for him to enter with the arsenal he brought.

And come on. Nobody's suggesting that citizens arm themselves with AK-47s, but a lot of states have concealed handgun laws - the two key words being concealed (kind of hard to conceal an AK) and handgun (not an AK).

In this particular case, Colorado does have a concealed handgun law, but this theatre had a no guns allowed policy which does have to be followed (by the law obiding citizens).
You are sort of creating a straw man here. My reference to AK-47's had to do with HOLMES. He didn't need one, and either do citizens. As I've stated before - no idea how you missed it - I'm not against citizens having guns. Do you really think that if movie theater patrons were allowed to carry hand guns, that Holmes would have chosen a different venue?

Edited to add: And before someone mentions Jared Loughner and the Arizona shootings, they should know the following: "Arizona law permits private business owners (or their designates) to prohibit weapons from being brought onto their property, whether signs are posted or not. Private businesses are typically non-government operated businesses such as grocery and department stores, convenience stores, laundromats, banks, office complexes, etc. Failure to obey the request can result in your arrest for trespassing. (ARS 13-1502 / ARS 13-1503)"
David, I haven't spent much time studying gun control. My original comments about Holmes in the other thread, were for the most part regarding comments others made about mental illness. You and I are probably of the same mindset regarding guns - not sure, but probably. Like most everything else, Americans get what Americans want - if we want handguns, we get them. If we want AK-47's, then we'll get laws that allow that.
$co++ Forre$+
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