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Old 04-13-2020, 06:14 AM
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Paul Winter
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: St. Louis
Posts: 56

The weird thing about Fischer is that there is nothing in the newspapers at the time about a player named Fischer with the Whites. There are a few blurbs about Boyd scattered through the newspapers of the time, for example. Swartwood appears as rumors of signing with Des Moines in the papers. Minnesota has a couple of guys - Rhese, Jordan, Sterling - who were barely a blip on the club, and you can still find mention of their signing at some point in the record. Fischer, there's nothing.

He's not the Fisher that later played with Milwaukee and Davenport. That Fisher was an infielder, and he signed with Danville in January of 1888.

The mustachioed trainer theory has roots, I would say. Cheers all!

Paul W.
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