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Old 01-22-2023, 10:35 AM
BobC BobC is online now
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
Posts: 3,275

Originally Posted by Mike D. View Post
Wall-E? My mind went to to the Terminator movies...compared to that, being fat and dumb doesn't sound that bad (on any given day, I'm half way there anyway).


I thought of the Terminator movie series also, but figured if I went there I'd get lots of crap for being so dark and morbid. LOL Buy if you want to go to an even farther extreme, what about the Matrix movies?

The scary thing is our entire systems of government, infrastructures, economies, power grids, and even our military, are all so computer, technology, and AI dependent it is absolutely scary. Every country in the world likely has people out there that do nothing more than hack, infiltrate, try to get into and grab information and data, if not figure out a way to sabotage such programs if needed, or maybe even take over such computer systems and software entirely, if they can, of every other country in the world. And that most definitely includes the U.S. (private citizens and the government) doing it against at least some other countries of the world as well. This is no conspiracy theory! Look at the war in Ukraine, and the vast role drones and other computer system guided weapons play in it. Or how in the beginning Russia sought to completely disable Ukraine's internet and satellite service. These computer games that our kids have been playing for decades now are maybe not just games after all. In some ways maybe they should be considered early advanced military training of the future.

Future major world conflicts are all likely to involve computer attacks on other's systems, power grids, communications, everything to slow down and stop communications and weaponry. Why send in spies or saboteurs to blow up a power plant or weapons production facility when you can possibly shut them down from the other side of the world by simply hacking into their computer system?

And before some troll starts saying I'm crazy, just go back to what happened in 2003 I believe it was. Forgive me if I'm off a year or so. Anyone else remember the disaster that occurred where most of the entire Northeast part of the U.S. power grid went down for 2 or 3 days, and millions and millions of people, plants, hospitals, schools, government agencies, and so on were without electrical power? My understanding was that after they finally got things fixed, they finally determined the initial cause was simply due to a tree branch coming down and hitting a power line in Walton Hills, Ohio, a Cleveland suburb and maybe less than 10 miles from where I'm sitting right now. Somehow that tree branch supposedly triggered something that clicked off the power grid system like a domino effect, till it covered most of the Northeast part of our country. And the powers that be couldn't just go flip a breaker switch to turn it all back on. Took them two or three days to figure out how to get everything reset and back up and running. Really think about that, two or three days to figure out and get the systems back online and up and running, and that wasn't supposedly due to an outside computer hack or systems attack.

Or how many of you remember Enron and the financial disaster that was? Truth be told, if it wasn't for computers and the ability to use programs and software like that, there never would have been an Enron because you never would have been able to have just the few people really in on the scam able to control all the activity and data between the 200+ companies that were set up to fool everybody. The computers and programs that make things so fast and easy to do also make it fast and easy for people to commit financial and other crimes.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, technology is great......till it isn't! And it isn't a question of if it may be used for or go bad, it is a question of when!
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