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Old 08-27-2015, 09:09 PM
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Drew Ekb@ck
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: NE Georgia
Posts: 1,425

For me the best advice is to remember that the hunt is far greater fun than actually owning. If I'm building a set or looking for a specific item the hunt for the one that suits me is the hobby. Too many times I have gotten wrapped up in completing a project only to let the excitement die down and sometimes even eventually selling or trading off what I "had to have" to pay for the next "have to have".

Other than that don't collect alone. Find a friend, son, daughter, brother or whom ever to collect with. It's one of the reasons I love this site. I've made some good friends and even some lifelong ones all over the chase of cardboard. Sharing the collecting experience makes all of this so much more worthwhile.

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