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Old 07-30-2022, 07:29 PM
1952boyntoncollector 1952boyntoncollector is offline liebe.rman
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Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
Considering that you seem to struggle with writing in the English language and do not understand how capital letters, sentence structure, or periods work, this is an odd point to try and make.

This is a complete, outright lie. You did not say that TO the predator. What you said was, in post 1024 and as I quoted in post 1026: "its always the people that are looking to troll on an issue that you wonder is it themselves that have the same issue.. ( not saying you, just generally)..."

That is not a statement TO Epstein. Epstein wasn't 'trolling' on the issue, nor is he plural. You are explicitly addressing the people here, the 'trolls', by which you seem to mean the people who think your post is bizarre at best, might themselves "have the same issue", which is obviously being a pedophile. At least have the guts to own it if you're crazy enough to claim it.

What is wrong with you? I've seen a lot of stupid shit on Net54 (just like everywhere in the world), from the low effort scammers to the guy who was virtue signaling about how people shouldn't post pictures of Cap Anson while using a picture of Cap Anson as his avatar, but saying that most people here (nobody seems to think your fast food comment or joke is appropriate, tasteful or possibly sensical, thank God) might be pedophiles for that takes the cake. Are you insane or just off your meds this week?

what is wrong with you.. when i see you attack the poster and not debate the message we all know you are just a trolling....nobody wants a troller...

you also misidentify and spin almost everything i said as well.....i .ive seen some crazy posts as well.....all this fake outrage as well...i continue to advise of the bad actions of these eptsien, wienstien and lets add R. Kelly over and over and all you do is attack the poster. All I keep saying is how terrible these people are and you are calling me insane... so its insane for me to say Weinstein is a sick and terrible person. Please stop lieing and mischaracterizing my posts...Yes I said to Mr. Epstein he looked at the victims as FF options (thats what my intent was that was explained)...and i also said he was a terrible person and should be in jail as long as any of the worst criminals in the world , dont hear you comment a peep on that.. You took the liberty to say i am calling people on the board pedis, when i said 'generally' and was not implying anyone on the these boards AND was not referring to just pedis, was referring to all things as i said AN ISSUE, (example, some people see too much violence in all matters in life, but they themselves have a violence issue )I thought you were the grammar king as i did not say THIS issue.........just a crazy narrative...

facts do not care about your feelings...

this is a gun ownership thread...i am just responding to personal attacks, i am not the one initiating them..

Last edited by 1952boyntoncollector; 07-30-2022 at 07:53 PM.
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