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Old 09-26-2007, 08:49 PM
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Default Leon has opinions just like the rest of us

Posted By: joe

Leon, thanks for the info on the advertising fees. You are certainly not getting rich with these fees.
Personally I would not like to see Jay banned from the board. He brings good information to the board sometimes.

It seems that Jay and Leon might have had problems in the past and we don't know all the details. That seems pretty normal, we are all human. Someday they may or may not resolve these issues, who knows.

Actually we don't have to know.

These posting come up once and a while, but most of the time information about cards are the headliners.

As far as Mastro is concerned, not sure what happened. I know Lifson and Mastro worked with each other in the past and do not know if there are hard feelings. If there are, it's not our business anyway.


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