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Old 01-04-2015, 12:54 PM
kilo kilo is offline
mike kilo
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: spokane wa.
Posts: 271

This much mis-information is upsetting. Being a USPS carrier myself, i do have some knowledge to add (and correct):
USPS is the ONLY branch of the federal government that runs completely autonomous. It is no longer funded by federal dollars of any kind, and recieves absolutely NONE of your (our) tax dollars. We process and deliver over 20 million pieces of mail PER DAY including an average of 35,000 parcels. We are the only ones to deliver packages 7 days a week. The percent of all miss-deliveries (including lost/destroyed) is less than .1 (read: less than a tenth of a percent). More than 75 percent of our revenue goes to wages, as there are roughly 50,000+ of us. Another 20 percent goes to benefits and retirement packages (the latter of which are not only required, but will pay for your grandchildrens' retirement should they decide to work for USPS). The rest (less then 4percent) goes to maint/operations/mechanicals/vehicles/etc and related costs. Most of us carriers work an average of 9hrs per day, 6 days a week. We deliver in every kind of weather extreme you can imagine. And most of us deliver to 750+ adresses every day.
So please, the next time someone decides to vent their frustrations (which we all have had at some point), remember what it is that the USPS does.

--mike kilo.
--Mike Kilo
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