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Old 10-21-2021, 04:24 PM
abothebear abothebear is offline
George E.
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Birmingham, Alabama
Posts: 644

The signature and "world's greatest" line have the same two-tone coloring, with the darker being a sort of accent. But the signature's dark parts look more like the scoring of a fine nib fountain pen, whereas the title dark portions look to be added deliberately as an accent. Perhaps there was a facsimile technique where you'd trace over the signature onto the proof to leave an etching, then go over the etched tracing with a pen. Perhaps the ink would pool in the score marks and fade or soak-in less than the rest of the ink.

Above the signature, there are some patterns that are unusual compared to the rest of the background. It looks almost as if they tried to do something there, it didn't work out, so they "erased" it.
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