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Old 02-21-2013, 11:05 PM
Westsiders Westsiders is offline
Scott R.
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 239

So let me get this straight...

If it's JSA certified then it's real. But all the "experts" in this chat room will only render an opinion if they have a cert to go along with it. Please....

Very disappointed in this chat room. All you guys support each other in not being willing to give a detailed opinion. Doesn't take much expertise to say "don't like it" or "no good".
Once more explanation is asked for, you guys say "set up". WHHHHYYYY would someone set you up????? For what benefit???? This is silly.

And the "set up" and "wasting our time" comments are simply ridiculous.

You guys win.

You beat the new guy looking for help.
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