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Old 08-08-2019, 02:57 AM
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ElCabron ElCabron is offline
Ryan Christoff
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 449


Maybe it would help to out the dealers you're talking about. Both the good and bad. Maybe some good could come out of dealers knowing who to ask if they are looking for actual realistic prices on foreign issues and not to gouge someone. I'm sorry, if someone is charging 10 times what the actual market dictates a card is worth, they are scamming the buyer, who is obviously new to the hobby. Is it really the best thing for a new buyer to be screwed and run out of the hobby so one dealer can make a stupid amount of profit by charging a ridiculous price to a novice who doesn't know any better? How is that good for the hobby? Out the jerk who is trying to scam people. It's not just a matter of "anyone can charge whatever they want for their cards." We are all capitalists. We all understand the free market. That doesn't mean a new collector deserves to be ripped off. And no one but a novice collector, or a billionaire, would be willing to pay 10 times what they could sell the card for if they needed to.

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