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Old 01-05-2021, 09:24 AM
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Casey2296 Casey2296 is offline
Is Mudville so bad?
Join Date: Sep 2020
Location: West Coast
Posts: 4,836

I have a friend who's a nurse in Hawaii and connected to the Police Dept. 60% of the cops turned down the vaccine. Unbelievable.

We asked our pharmaceutical companies to come up with a vaccine in record time, and they did, the Federal government funded their ability to do that. The least the States can do is pull their head out of their ass and take care of their States citizens. I live in the highest tax state (ca), not one public service announcement or public health text, no plan for distribution at all. These are people that our state tax dollars pay for their jobs and cushy retirement benefits and yet when they are called on to do their jobs they fail miserably. And people are still dying at an alarming rate. Shame on them all.
Phil Lewis

Last edited by Casey2296; 01-05-2021 at 10:49 AM.
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