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Old 02-26-2013, 03:54 PM
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daywalker2029 daywalker2029 is offline
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Originally Posted by teetwoohsix View Post
I think what people don't realize is that this has been an agenda way before these three mass shootings. These shootings are what they are using to push the agenda into the national spotlight. We all know that criminals have been shooting each other for decades with handguns, often not even hitting thier intended targets (innocent victims, often children in drive by shootings). They didn't care so much then, did they? Why now?

When you realize that this has been the plan for a long time, you can see how devious all of this really is. You really need to ask yourself, why do they want the guns?

Sincerely, Clayton

*Edit to add:

Naahh, no brainwashing going on....
im completely agree - its not like gun crime just came about recently - gun crime isnt some new problem, but why all of a sudden is it the main topic for all political debate ? its sad that anti-gun lobbyist wouldn't use horrible events like these shootings to push their agenda

frankly all the gun laws in teh world arent going to stop a criminal from hurting someone if thats their goal

theres an old bumper sticker in my fathers gun cabinet that says " when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have them". it really holds true, why dont the people that are some against guns spend their time/money/energy on getting rid of illegal guns that are in criminal hands
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