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Old 02-27-2007, 06:04 AM
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Default ramblin on / insurance/ card values

Posted By: Frank Wakefield

Dangerously close isn't there.

Folks are after eBay to report sales amounts and sellers to various states, already. Initially, they're only going after sellers with lots of transactions. But once established, that could spread to any eBay seller. I don't look forward to the day that any eBay sale I might make results in me getting a 1099. I think some folks might sell a dvd on eBay, and realistically put the money back into buying some other dvd. Same with books, ball cards, cds, pc games... Those folks would't like the idea of each sale being a taxable event.

I reckon you're the kind of fellow that if you buy a card on eBay from an out of state seller, you calculate the sales tax you would have paid had it been in state, and you send that in as a use tax when you file. That would be the legally correct thing to do, now, wouldn't it. Are you paying use tax on all of your purchases?

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