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Old 03-15-2013, 01:12 PM
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teetwoohsix teetwoohsix is offline
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Location: Las Vegas,Nevada
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Alright, my apologies for derailing the thread- I know the topic is about an assault weapon ban, not fixing society

I am more into preserving our rights (all of them) that are supposed to be protected with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. This is not an old out dated piece of paper, but the supreme law of the land that these politicians, as well as the police and military, promised to protect and uphold.

My worry is that when you start taking away people's rights, there will be more to follow. Once they are gone, good luck getting them back. Now, I highly doubt that any logical sane person would want a menatlly ill individual owning any type of firearm, and the same goes for gun violence in general. I am against all of that-but the question begs- who decides if someone is mentally ill? If you have depression , anxiety, or insomnia, does that make you mentally ill? I think everyone has these feelings from time to time. I know I do, but I am dealing with a very painful physical medical problem. But, does that make me mentally ill?

Barry, I wish you would have stayed in this conversation, as you are one of my favorite posters and I always enjoy your opinion. We don't all have to agree to talk about this subject. But I understand it upsets you.

Thanks to everyone who has participated in this thread, it's nice to see people's opinions on issues like this. I respect everyone's opinion, even if I disagree with you.

I feel there is more of an agenda with this subject, and that we've been lied to so many times by the powers that be, so it comes down to TRUST. So, understanding history, along with many "official lies", I don't trust the agenda. We are supposed to be the Land of the Free....but we have more people incarcerated in this country than any other country in the WORLD !!!!! We have the Patriot Act (warrantless wiretapping), the NDAA ( indefinate detention of American citizens with no due process, no right to a jury trial of your peers, all because you were "labled" a terrorist by some unknown person). All in the name of "keeping us safe". Are we ever going to get back to the country we used to be before 9-11-2001? Freedom? Liberty? Remember?

"Shall Not Be Infringed".

And do something already about Corzine damnit !!!!! (just had to throw that in ).

Sincerely, Clayton
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