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Old 08-07-2006, 10:45 AM
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Default Possibly the best Black Sox book I've read

Posted By: Max Weder

The Luhrs and Asinof books have been discussed extensively in the Yahoo 1919BlackSox group

There are a number of contributors who have a great deal of knowledge on the subject and have written books subsequent to Asinof and Luhrs. One of the problems in these 2 books is that neither is well-documented with source references, and subsequent researchers and writers have spent much time sorting out what is fact and what is supposition.

And for those of you who haven't read the transcript of Joe Jackson's grand jury testimony, it is available several places on the web (Say it ain't so! sic) including at :

Q Did anybody pay you any money to help throw that series in favor of Cincinnati?

A They did.

Q How much did they pay?

A They promised me $20,000 and paid me five.

Q Who promised you the twenty thousand?

A “Chick” Gandil.

Q Who is Chick Gandil?

A He was their first baseman on the White Sox club.


Q Did you make any intentional errors yourself that day?

A No, sir, not during the whole series.

Q Did you bay to win?

A Yes.

Q And run the bases to win?

A Yes, sir.

Q and fielded the balls at the outfield to win?

A I did.


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