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Old 02-06-2015, 05:36 PM
djson1 djson1 is offline
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Posts: 415

Originally Posted by Runscott View Post
You're sounding pretty sensitive yourself.

My comment was not meant at all to be snide, but as I clearly stated, I couldn't really respond to such a comment. I did that to NOT insult you, as I am fully aware that you are trying to learn.

But given that you feel no need to avoid insulting me, here you go: I provided examples which you didn't appear to spend much time looking at. As regards flow, there isn't any - it flows like a dammed-up river. The 'R's are not even vaguely similar, the 'u' is even more ridiculously off, and the entire signature is printed on a crescent.

I hope that helps, but I'm guessing it won't.
You weren't meaning to be snide, but your last comment sure was. Should I feel the need to "avoid" insulting you? I didn't even realize I DID insult you, but if I did, that's your issue. As I stated, I did appreciate the pics, but was asking for clarification.
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