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Old 02-27-2007, 12:37 PM
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Default ramblin on / insurance/ card values

Posted By: Frank Wakefield

His question was should he get insurance on his ball cards.

If one of you gets charged with a crime, I'll suggest you remain silent. Seems to me 3/4ths of convictions are based on a confession. Keeping quite is a good initial strategy. Might change later on.

Listing cards on an insurance schedule is a way of not remaining silent. I still think it is a good idea to avoid that, you guys insure all you want.

It isn't about 2 wrongs making a right, or about how inheritance tax and estate tax are the same (which they aren't), or about what inheritance tax laws are in various states (I'm only up to speed on one state, don't profess to know the law in most states), it isn't about whether you pay a use tax (never knew there was a cap on that in any of the states, and I don't really think there is in any state, I think if you buy something for $5k that you'll owe all the use tax on it not just $40)... it is about should he get his cards insured. I think he's better off with a good safe or a safety deposit box. I didn't even suggest to him that he should avoid slabbed cards because they take up 20 times the space in safes and deposit boxes. Is it a game to try to trap me into a mistake? After saying estate tax and inheritance tax are the same did you back up and say you were mistaken about that and that maybe I was right? I didn't advise him to commit a felony, I told him that there's a potential problem down the road if the cards are scheduled. And there is. But you can argue about it. A misologist would.

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