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Old 06-26-2021, 10:05 PM
CK CK is offline
Join Date: May 2020
Location: SW MI
Posts: 92

Originally Posted by Casey2296 View Post
Are you tired of the set? Do you feel passionate about finishing? It's quite an accomplishment to finish a 33G but only if you're doing it for your PC, if not consign it to a good AH and use the funds for something you're passionate about.

If you do want to finish, prices have softened on the Big 6 from the peak so you should be able to find some good deals. Good luck and happy collecting!
Thank you for your response!

I love the set, but I know it will soon be time to move on from it. I love having built it and this will always be an accomplishment I am proud of. That being said, I am unable to keep this set and pursue other passions financially, it will need to move on eventually.

I haven’t seen prices soften much actually on the Ruth’s and Gehrig’s, especially here or on eBay. I’ve seen them lower on AH’s but by the time you factor BP there isn’t much in the way of savings. If you can direct me to a place I can buy at a lesser price, it would make this decision easier 😉.

Thank you,

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