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Old 11-16-2020, 10:10 PM
doug.goodman doug.goodman is online now
Doug Goodman
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: On the road again...
Posts: 4,708

Originally Posted by Michael B View Post
Doug - pretty good on the clubs/venues.

I am sure Doug with all his experience has run into all kinds of people who feel it is their business to protect the musician. Most of the road crew people I have met have been okay. Stay out of their way and don't act like your trying to cause trouble or steal equipment and you are usually okay. It is the chauffeurs who cause the most problems. They fancy themselves important.
Amazing stuff.

I have worked shows at those venues.

You made me laugh out loud with that chauffeur comment. So true.

Once upon a time I was working for Green Day. I was eating dinner with our head of security in the catering area, which was behind and kind of under the bleachers at an arena somewhere. There was a tarp covering the seats for one wall of the area, my back was to it. While we were eating the security guy nodded his head towards the wall with one finger to his lips, so I turned my head and watched as two kids somehow managed to squeeze themselves thru the seats and under the tarp at the far end of our row of tables (which was empty besides us). The initial looks on their faces were "F yeah, we made it!" then they saw us looking at them and their faces changed to "oh shit".

The security guy did his best imitation of a mean security guy and said "Come with ME" and we led them up the hall talking to each other about promoters and police and expulsions and arrests and whatever we could think of to scare the kids until we walked them into the band dressing room and asked the guys who were there "What should we do kids who sneak backstage?"

One suggestion was "Give them a beer!" but neither kid looked old enough to drink so instead they settled for autographs and pictures, then we tossed them back into the crowd.

Fun times.
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